Sunday, October 24, 2010

Please allow me to introduce myself

Dear Reader,

It seems you have somehow stumbled upon my blog, and I feel it's only proper for me to start off by introducing myself to you on the off chance that we have yet to meet. But don't worry, I'll keep it (fairly) brief.

I'm entirely uncertain as to what you'd like to know about me, so I'll just give you the key bits for now (and perhaps I'll throw in a few funny facts to see if I can't hook you so you come back and read my next blog):

1. I'm a twenty-two year-old English and creative writing major turned M1 (a.k.a. a first year medical student for those of not familiar with the many abbreviations the medical community loves so much). At this point, I know it wasn't a fluke that they let me in to medical school, but I was pretty much convinced that when I showed up at orientation they were going to tell me that they had made a mistake and send me away with some sort of fruit basket as a sorry-we-messed-up-and-you-now-have-a-year-long-lease-in-a-place-you-never-would-have-otherwise-considered-moving-to gift.
2. I am eternally optimistic.
3. Whenever I play two "truths and a lie" with a group of people for the first time my list usually goes as follows: "I have a black belt. I have a black cat. I know how to breakdance." If you guessed that I was lying about having a black cat, you're right. If you guessed otherwise, better luck next time.
4. I love to bake and have yet to come across a dessert that I can't make. If you happen to be a medical student here with me, I would be more than happy to make something for you.
5. When I was young I was very clumsy and acquired so many bruises on a weekly basis that my parents would send me to school year round in pants and long sleeve shirts because they were worried someone might think they were beating me. The clumsiness persisted into my teenage years and when I went on my first eight-day canoe trip in the Quetico (the Canadian Boundary Waters) the summer before 8th grade I tripped or fell on every portage (a portage is a path that goes over land and connects two bodies of water and you have to hike/carry your stuff across it). And, trust me, there were a lot of of them. Oh and the following summer I went on a canoe trip in the Boundary Waters and one of the counselors from the first trip came along. Unbeknownst to me, she made a bet that I would fall on our first portage. Much to her surprise, I made it all the way to the end without falling. Much to my dismay, I fell as I stepped in the water to put my pack in the canoe...Needless to say, she won the bet. And everyone was thankful that the pack was waterproof seeing as it contained our food for the week...
6. When my sister and I were little, my dad used to play a game with us which he called "Blind Baby Blind." Evidently he would blind fold us, spin us around, and see how well we could walk afterwards. My mother, to her credit, said she always felt it was a cruel way to treat such little people. But my dad says she laughed at us nonetheless.
7. In first grade my teacher told us to write a story and that we would later have to read it to the class. I copied my favorite one (101 Dalmations) word for word and had my first (and only) run-in with plagiarism. (My teacher had to keep me inside during recess and try to explain what plagiarism was--not an easy task since I had only recently learned how to write in sentences.)
8. I still love watching Disney movies when I'm feeling down. Unfortunately, most of them are on VHS and the colors are starting to fade. Other movies I could watch endlessly include the Center Stage movies (yes, they made two), Star Wars, Iron Man (I'd rather watch the first than the second, though), Singing in the Rain, and a few others whose names are evading me at the moment.

Obviously there's a lot more that I could tell you about myself, but I'm going to stop there for now. I need to get back to studying and I imagine you have a laundry list of chores to do as well. I hope you enjoyed reading this and will come back once I have time to write my next blog. In case you're curious what it's going to be called, I happen to already know the title and would be happy to disclose it: "Medical School: A Heroic Journey." If you are stumped as to what that could possibly entail, all I'll say is that it involves a conversation I recently had with my mom. I know that sounds boring but I promise it won't be. And, considering you now know me so well, I hope you'll take my word for it.

Until next time.